Panama Residency Visas

To apply for Panamanian Residency, you must be 18 or older and have a valid passport. Panama offers various residency visas that will allow you to relocate to Panama and obtain residency easily.

panama legal services

Panama Visa Process Requires Lawyer Assistance

Visa applications in Panama must be carried out with the assistance of a local lawyer. Panama has over 20 different visa options for residency. The most popular visas are Friendly Nations Visa, Pensionado Visa, Italy-treaty, and Qualified Investor Visa.

Panama is a favorite location for expats because it offers good infrastructure, it is close the North America, it has a mild climate and has many first-world amenities. There are parts of Panama where you can live on a low budget such as the interior and coastal towns.

Welcome to Panama

Panama’s healthcare is one of the best in Latin America. Healthcare costs are less than in the US and Europe and the quality of care is excellent. Panama City offers top-notch medical facilities, equipment, and well-trained doctors in all areas of medicine.

Panamanians are friendly people and it is considered a safe country. Panama, like everywhere, does have some crime, but it is usually petty theft. Use the same due diligence and common sense that you would in any setting worldwide and you will be fine.

Most Popular Residency Programs

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