Request for a Portuguese Criminal Record Certificate (Only for residents abroad)

Request for a Portuguese Criminal Record Certificate (Only for residents abroad)

Request for a Portuguese Criminal Record Certificate (Only for residents abroad)

How to fill the form and how to apply for the certificate

1. Form filled out - This form must be duly filled and signed by the person concerned and can be sent with a copy of a valid identity document (with signature and photo: Passport of any nationality or Portuguese citizen card) with the words: "I authorize this copy exclusively for the issuance of my certificate” and the proof of payment attached.

2. Purpose of the request - The mentioning of the purpose of the certificate must be mentioned clearly.

3. Question “involving regular contact with minors?” - The answer to this question aims to fulfill legal requirements about assessment of the integrity to the performance of professions, jobs, public or private functions or activities, which involves regular contact with minors. All the recruiting entities, employers or responsible for those activities are obliged to ask for criminal record certificates to assess the integrity of those they are recruiting, or are working on those activities. If it is not your case, answer NO.

4. The certificate will be issued only after the payment is received.

5.Indicating the email is essential as it is the way you will receive all the information about the request, including any questions that may be needed to be clarified in order to process there quest.

6. The certificate will be sent directly by email or by registered post mail to the address indicated by the requester–you must indicate your choice(s). If sent by email only the issuing of the certificate is due to be pay ed; if sent by registered mail, also the payment for post services is required.

7. The electronic version sent by email (pdf format) is an official authentic document as valid as the print version.

8. The certificate will be sent, either to the email address specified by you, or, if desired, by registered mail to the address indicated by you.

9. The fee for the issuing is 5,00€. Only Euros are accepted.

9.1. If you choose to receive the certificate by e-mail, you only have to pay the price of the certificate: 5,00 €.

9.2. If you want the delivery of the certificate by post (registered mail), to that amount is added 3,25 €; so it will be the total amount of 8,25 €.

10. Payment can be made by one of the following:

10.1.Sending cash (according to mailing regulations)

10.2. Check drawn on a Portuguese bank, or with representation in Portugal - payment toI GCP

10.3. International money order - Beneficiary: Direção-Geralda Administração da Justiça, Av. D. João

II, n.º 1.08.01 D/E, Piso 13.º, 1990-097 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

10.4. Moneybank transfer. Note that only Euros are accepted. (if you choose to pay bymoney bank

transfer, please do not forget to fill page 2 of the form):

Direção-Geral da Administração da Justiça

Av. D. João II, 1.08.01 D/E, Ed. H - Piso 0, 9-14, 1990-097



a. Via Euro Target System (Euro Zone)

IBAN: PT500781 0112 01120013955 85


Bank: IGCP

Beneficiary: Direção-Geral da Administração da Justiça

Adress: Av. D. João II, n.º 1.08.01 D/E, Pisos 9.º ao 14.º,1990-097 Lisboa, PORTUGAL

Bank address: Avenida da República, 57, 1050-189 Lisboa,Portugal

b. Other systems (not Euro Zone)

Pay to –The Chase Manhattan Bank – Frankfurt (CHASDEFX)

For theaccount of – The Chase Manhattan Bank – London (CHASGB2L)

Accountnumber – 6231400604

For furthercredit to – Agência de Gestão da Tesouraria e da Dívida Pública – IGCP, E.P.E

Accountnumber – 23631401

Ref.ª –0781 0112 0112 0013 9558 5

11. It is mandatory to send:

11.1. This form filled and signed;

11.2. A copy of your Portuguese citizen card or EU citizen ID card, or other valid and qualified identification document with signature (passport) - this copy (pdf or jpeg) of the ID document must be signed by the holder and with the written mention: “this copy of my identification document is only to request my criminal record certificate”;

11.3.Payment of the amount due, or proof of that payment.

12. The request must be sent to the Criminal Identification Services through this form or by post to:

DGAJ, Serviço de Consulados

Av. D. João II, n.º 1.08.01 D/E, Piso 13.º



13. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us using this form.

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