Panama's Court Declares Mining Concession Unconstitutional

Key Factors and Future Implications

Panama's Supreme Court on, Tuesday November 8th, declared unconstitutional a state copper mining concession granted to a Canadian company, following weeks of intense protests in the country.

"We have unanimously decided to declare all of Law 406 of October 20, 2023 unconstitutional. This means that the aforementioned law is expelled from the regulatory system that governs the country," said the president of the Supreme Court, María Eugenia López.

Here are five key reasons why this project, accused by environmentalists of causing significant damage to the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor, is facing a legal process that could end it.

  1. An initial contract declared unconstitutional in 2017
  2. A new contract negotiated in mid-2021
  3. Environmentalists denounce vices were maintained
  4. Broad popular opposition
  5. What comes after the ruling

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