Marines Visa Application

As the trusted law firm that we are, LEGAL@work is dedicated to helping our clients navigate the complex and ever-changing immigration laws of the Republic of Panama. One of our specialties is in the application and extension of visas for mariners. As outlined in Article 27 of the National Migration Service Law, mariners who wish to enter the country to embark as crew members on a ship with an international navigation license may apply for a visa. 

Documents required for application

To apply for a mariner visa, the following documents are required: 

  • Visa application form for mariners.
  •  Copy of a valid passport.
  • Copy of the embarkation letter and/or guarantee from the contracting company.
  • Copy of the embarkation book.
  • Copy of the mariner's license.

Our team of experienced attorneys will ensure that all essential documents are gathered and submitted in a timely manner to avoid delays in the process. We will also provide guidance and support throughout the entire process to ensure that your application is granted.


As for the costs, our legal fees for assisting with a marine visa application will be separate from any government fees that may be required. We would be pleased to provide you with a detailed estimate of the costs upon request. 

At LEGAL@work, we understand the importance of a smooth and efficient visa application process for mariners. Our goal is to make sure that our clients have the necessary documentation and support to obtain their visas promptly. Please feel free to contact us for further information or to schedule a consultation. 

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